近日,必一体育平台光電子物理與器件專業的張陳成博士生在蔔勝利教授的指導下以第一作者在國際期刊《納米材料》(Nanomaterials,工程技術大區2區,影響因子5.076)發表最新研究成果。該成果報道了一種基於回音壁模式和填充磁性軟物質光子晶體光纖相結合的磁場傳感技術,具有非常重要的學術意義和應用前景,被選為當期的封面論文,封面標題為:Nanostructured Magnetic Fluid Enables Magnetic Field Measurement。
必一体育平台光子學團隊創新性地將磁性軟物質灌入光子晶體光纖,形成回音壁柱形微腔,並通過拉錐微光纖耦合,在光子晶體周圍有效地激發回音壁模式。團隊成功實現了新型磁場傳感結構,並系統研究了其傳感機理,該磁場傳感結構具有高效耦合和易於製作的優點,有望應用於磁場監測等領域。該成果還被期刊在當期以“Cover Story”的形式進行了報道,內容如下:
Cover Story: Magnetic fluid is a kind of nanostructured material which consists of surfactant-coated magnetic nanoparticles dispersed in a suitable base liquid. This “old” nanomaterial has led to renewed interest in optics and photonics since the beginning of the 21st century. It is compatible and easily integrated with optical fibers, opening the door to “seeing” vast prospects for applications in the fiber-optic magnetic field sensing area. This work demonstrates the feasibility of actualizing magnetic field sensors with magnetic-fluid-infiltrated photonic crystal fibers. The whispering gallery mode is effectively excited around the photonic crystal by the tapered microfiber. Reducing the cladding thickness of photonic crystal fibers can increase magnetic field sensitivity, which implies a convenient tunability of sensitivity for pragmatic applications.