報告題目:Rational solutions of the defocusing nonlocal nonlinear Schrödinger equation: Asymptotic analysis and soliton interactions
報告地點👯:騰訊會議ID🧑🏿💻:681 226 112
報告人:許韜 教授
報告摘要:We study the asymptotic behavior and soliton interactions for the rational solutions of the defocusing nonlocal nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Based on an improved asymptotic analysis method, we derive the explicit expressions of all asymptotic solitons of the rational solutions with the order 1≤N≤4. It turns out that the asymptotic solitons are localized in the straight or algebraic curves, and the exact solutions approach the curved asymptotic solitons with a slower rate than the straight ones. Moreover, we find that all the rational solutions exhibit five different types of soliton interactions, and that the interacting solitons are divided into two halves with each having the same amplitudes. Particularly for the curved asymptotic solitons, there exists a slight difference for their velocities between at t and -t. In addition, we reveal that the soliton interactions in the rational solutions with N≥2 are stronger than those in the exponential and exponential-and-rational solutions.
報告人簡介:許韜,先後於北京航空航天大學和北京郵電大學獲得學士和博士學位,現為中國石油大學(北京)必一体育平台數學系教授,力學博士生導師🤗。主要從事可積系統和非線性數學物理方程研究,主持國家自然科學基金2項🦹🏿♀️📼,主持石油類科研課題1項。近年來,在Physica D、Physical Review E、Physics Letters A、Journal of Mathematical Physics等國際知名期刊發表第一作者或通訊作者論文30余篇📦,入選ESI高被引論文3篇🤦🏻、熱點論文1篇,累計SCI他引次數達1000余次🏋️。