報告題目:On the massive Maxwell-Klein-Gordon equations
報告人: 楊詩武(北京大學)
報告摘要:The massive Maxwell-Klein-Gordon equation models the motion of a massive particle in an electric magnetic field. It is conjectured that the particle must be static in the end of the day due to the dispersion of electric magnetic field. In this talk, I will report recent progress on this conjecture and confirm this for a class of large unrestricted initial data. These are based on jointed works with S. Klainerman, Q. Wang and A. Fang.
報告人簡介:楊詩武,入選45屆IMO國家代表隊,並獲國際奧林匹克數學競賽金牌,保送北京大學數學系學習。2008年在北大本科畢業後赴美國普林斯頓大學數學系深造,師從Igor Rodnianski。之後去劍橋大學做博士後,合作導師是Mihalis Dafermos。2016年加入北京大學國際數學中心任助理教授。主要研究方向是雙曲偏微分方程、廣義相對論。