姓名 | 馬雷 |
職稱 | 講師 |
主要研究領域 | 非線性偏微分方程 |
電子郵箱 | leima@usst.edu.cn |
辦公室 | 必一体育平台卓越樓903室 |
所在部門 | 必一体育平台數學系 |
教育背景與工作經歷 |
教育背景 博士,應用數學,上海交通大學👨👩👧👦🚯,2013-2021 學士,信息與計算科學🍖,華中農業大學🙇🏽,2009-2013
工作經歷 講師,上海理工大學,2021-至今
科(教)研項目及成果 |
1. Ma lei, Wang Tian-Yi, Xie Chunjing,Low Mach Number Limit and Far Field Convergence Rates of Irrotational Flows in Multi-Dimensional Nozzles With an Obstacle Inside, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 55 (2023), no. 1, 36–67. 2. Ma lei, Wang Tian-Yi, On the convergence rates of multi-dimensional subsonic irrotational flows in unbounded domains, Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 74 (2023), no. 6, Paper No. 240. 3. Ma Lei, Xie Chunjing, Existence and optimal convergence rates of multi-dimensional subsonic potential flows through an infinitely long nozzle with an obstacle inside, J. Math. Phys., 61(2020), No.7, 23pp. 4. Ma Lei,The optimal convergence rates of non-isentropic subsonic Euler flows through the infinitely long three-dimensional axisymmetric nozzles, Math. Methods Appl. Sci., 43(2020), 6553–6565.
主講課程 |
學術活動與社會服務 |
榮譽 |