• 余誌先




    余誌先 1982年出生於江西余幹,理學博士,中共黨員



    E-mailzxyu0902@163.com or yuzx@mail.bnu.edu.cn



    1. 應用動力系統

    2. 微分方程(ODE,FDE,PDE

    3. 生物數學



    20049月至20077月在北京師範大學數學科學必一學習,專業方向:微分方程與動力系統,獲理學碩士學位,導師: 袁榮教授

    20079月至20107月在北京師範大學數學科學必一學習,專業方向:微分方程與動力系統,獲理學博士學位,導師: 袁榮教授。

    200991-1130 法國波爾多第二大學研究訪問。

    20108-2013年5月  必一体育,講師。  

    2013年6月-至今 必一体育,副教授。


    20141-201612月 主持上海市教委創新項目《基於幾類時滯系統的行波解問題的研究》,項目批準號: 14YZ096,負責人:余誌先。

    20131-201612 參與國家自然科學基金面上項目《噪聲影響下具有不確定因素的恒化器動力學研究》(排名第三),項目批準號:11271260. 負責人:原三領。

    20121-201412 主持國家自然科學基金青年基金項目 《非單調系統的行波解及一些相關問題》,項目批準號:11101282. 負責人:余誌先。

    20121-201312月 主持上海市高校青年教師培養資助計劃項目《非單調系統的行波解》,項目批準號slg11031,負責人:余誌先。

    20099-12   參與中法合作項目EGIDE項目《傳染病模型分析》。


    [20] Zhixian Yu*, Rong Yuan , Existence,Asymptotics and Uniqueness of traveling waves for nonlocal diffusion systems with delayed nonlocal response, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics,17(2013): 2163-2190.SCI

    [19] Zhixian Yu*,Weiguo Zhang, Xiaoming Wang,Spreading speeds and travelling waves for non-monotone time-delayed 2D lattice systems, Math. Comp. Modelling, 58 (2013) 1510–1521.SCI

    [18] Zhixian Yu*, Ming Mei, Asymptotics and Uniqueness of Travelling Waves for Non-Monotone Delayed Systems on 2D Lattices,Canadian Math. Bulletin, 56 (2013) : 659–672SCI

    [17] Zhixian Yu*, Ziheng Zhang, Jing Xia, Monotone traveling waves of a population model with non-monotone terms, Appl. Math. Comp.,219 (2013): 7973-7981. (SCI)  

    [16] Zhixian Yu*, Rong Yuan, Traveling waves of a nonlocal dispersal delayed age-structured population model, Japan J. Industr. Appl. Math.,30 (2013) 165-184. (SCI)  

    [15] Jing Xia, Zhixian Yu*, Rong Yuan, Stability and Hopf bifurcation in a symmetrical Lotka-Volterra predator-prey system with delays, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2013(2013),1-16. (SCI)

    [14]Zhixian Yu*, Rong Yuan, Existence and asymptotics of traveling waves for nonlocal diffusion systems,Chaos, Solitons & Fractals45 (2012):1361-1367. (SCI)

    [13] Zhixian Yu*, Uniqueness of critical traveling wave for delayed lattice equation, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,140 (2012):3853-3859.. SCI

    [12] Zhixian Yu*, Rong Yuan, Properties of traveling waves for integrodifference equations with nonmonotone growth functions, Z. Angew. Math. Phys.,63 (2012): 249–259. (SCI)

    [11] 夏靜、余誌先、袁榮,一類具有非局部擴散的時滯Lotka-Volterra競爭模型的行波解,應用數學學報, 342011):1082-1093 . (核心期刊)

    [10] Zhixian Yu*, Rong Yuan, Cheng-Hsiung Hsu, Qin Jiang, Traveling waves for nonlinear cellular neural networks with distributed delays. J. Differential Equations251 (2011): 630-650. (SCI)

    [9] Zhixian Yu*, Rong Yuan, Traveling waves of delayed reaction diffusion systems with applications, Nonlinear Analysis: RWA, 12(2011): 2475-2488.SCI

    [8] Jing Xia, Zhixian Yu*, Traveling wave solutions in temporally discrete reaction-diffusion systems with delays, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 91 (2011): 809-823.SCI

    [7] Zhixian Yu*, Rong Yuan, Traveling wave solutions in nonlocal convolution diffusive competitive cooperative systems, IMA J. Appl. Math., 76(2011) : 493-513.   SCI

    [6] Linhong Yao, Zhixian Yu, Rong Yuan, Spreading speed and traveling waves for a nonmonotone reaction–diffusion model with distributed delay and nonlocal effect, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 3520112916-2929SCI

    [5] Zhixian Yu*, Rong Yuan, Traveling waves for Lotka-Volterra competition system with diffusion, Math. Comp. Modelling, 53(2011) 1035-1043. SCI

    [4] Zhixian Yu*, Rong Yuan, Traveling wave fronts in reaction-diffusion systems with spatio-temporal delay and applications, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 13 (2010): 709-728.   (SCI)

    [3] Zhixian Yu*, Rong Yuan, Traveling waves in the lattice epidemic model, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2010 (2010): 1-12. (SCI)

    [2] Qin Jiang, ZhixianYu*, Oscillation criteria for nonlinear delay differential equation , Int. J. Evol. Equ., 4 (2010): 307-320.

    [1]Zhixian Yu*, Rong Yuan, Traveling wave solutions in nonlocal reaction-diffusion systems with delays and applications, ANZIAM Journal, 51 (2009): 49-66.   (SCI)


    1.  美國《數學評論》評論員(2012~)

    2. 國際雜誌審稿人 :

    Nonlinear Anal.RWA,  Chaos,Solitons & Fractals, Abstract and Applied Analysis,

    Int. Journal of Biomathematics, Journal of Applied Mathematics,

    Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM).   Zhixian Yu's CV.pdf    

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