姓名 | 宇振盛 |
職稱 | 教授 |
主要研究領域 | 最優化🏰、機器學習 |
電子郵箱 | zhsh-yu@163.com |
辦公室 | 必一体育平台813室 |
所在部門 | 必一体育平台數學系 |
教育背景與工作經歷 |
教育背景 博士𓀙,運籌學與控製論, 大連理工大學,2001-2004 碩士,運籌學與控製論, 曲阜師範大學,1998-2001 學士,數學與計算機科學,曲阜師範大學🍟,1991-1995 工作經歷 教授🤶,上海理工大學🌽🅾️,2021.7-至今 副教授,上海理工大學,2005.1-2021.6 講師,上海理工大學🚁,2004.7-2005.12 訪問學者,新加坡國立大學,2013.12-2014.12 博士後,同濟大學,2005.10-2007.11 |
科(教)研項目及成果 |
教學與科研項目 1.2020年-2022年,《新工科專業集群建設的“加減乘”機製及人才培養路徑研究》✊🏼,教育部新工科研究與實踐項目 2.2018年-2020年✌🏼,《三線並聯◻️,培養新工科人才“雙創”能力的探索與實踐》,教育部新工科研究與實踐項目 3.2016年-2018年,《工程教育聯盟的模式及機製探索與研究》📳,中國高教學會高等教育科學研究“十三五”規劃課題 4.2017年-2018年,《三破三立打造創新創業教育升級版》,上海市教委重點推進項目 5.2012年1月-2015年12月,基於非光滑分析與優化的混雜博弈研究⛹🏻♂️,國家自然科學基金面上項目 6.2007年1月-2009年12月,生存性與穩定性中的非光滑優化理論與方法,國家自然科學基金面上項目 A dynamic programming approach for generalized nearly isotonic optimization, MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING COMPUTATION,online. 2.Jing Xu, Zhensheng Yu, Tonghua Zhang, Sanling, Yuan, Near-optimal control of a stochastic model for mountain pine beetles with pesticide application, STUDIES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 2022, online. 3.Yuanyuan Li, junxiang Li, Zhengsheng Yu, et.al, A cosh-based smoothing Newton algorithm for the real-time pricing problem in smart grid, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS, 2022:135. 4.Zhensheng Yu, Lin Li,Peixin Li🧙🏻♀️,A modified multivariate spectral gradient algorithm for solving absolute value equations,APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS🟣,2021:121. 5.Zhensheng Yu,Peixin Li, An active set quasi-Newton method with projection step for monotone nonlinear equations💁, AIMS MATHEMATICS,2021:6 (4) , pp.3606-3623. 6.Zhensheng Yu,Peixin Li 🎉,A trust region method with project step for bound constrained optimization without compact condition,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER MATHEMATICS🏄🏼♀️,2021🍏: 98 (3) , pp.449-460. 7.Zhensheng Yu, Yangchen Liu, Xinyue Gan, Nonmonotone Inexact Newton Method for the Extended Linear Complementarity Problem,Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 38 (2017),1458-2472. 8.Ying Ji, Shaojian Qu, Zhensheng Yu, A New Method for Solving Multiobjective Bilevel Programs, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society Volume 2017, Article ID 2870420, 10 pages. 9.Ying Ji, Shaojian Qu, Zhensheng Yu,Bi-level multi-objective optimization model for last mile delivery using a discrete approach,Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 23 (2017),179-190. 10.Yi Qin, Zhensheng Yu, A smoothing least square method for nonlinear complementarity problem, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 36(2013), 1783–1789. 11.Zhensheng Yu💆♀️,Yanyan Zhu,Qianqian Cao,On the Convergence of Central Path and Generalized Proximal Point Method for Symmetric Cone Linear Programming,Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences. 7(2013)🐤,2327–2333. 12.Zhensheng Yu, Qin yi, A cosh-based smoothing Newton method for P0 nonlinear complementarity problem, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, (12)2011, 75-884. 13.Zhensheng Yu, Jing Sun, Yi Qin, A multivariate spectral projected gradient method for bound constrained optimization, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 235(2011)2263-2269. 14.Zhensheng Yu🧛🏻♀️, Changxiang He,Yu Tian, Global and local convergence of a nonmonotone trust region algorithm for equality constrained optimization🙆🏼,Applied Mathematical Modeling 34 (2010) 1194–1202. 15.Zhensheng Yu, Jinsong Zang, and Jingzhao Liu💪🏻,A class of nonmonotone spectral memory gradient method, J. Korean Math. Soc. 47 (2010)63-70. 16.Zhensheng Yu, Ji Lin and Jing Sun et.al😘,Spectral gradient projection method for monotone nonlinear equations with convex constraints🥐,Applied Numerical Mathematics 59 (2009) 2416–2423. 17.Zhenseng Yu, ke Su and Ji Lin, A smoothing LM method for the extended linear complementarity problem, Applied Mathematics Modeling, 33(2009)3409-3420. 18.Ke Su, Zhensheng Yu, A modified SQP algorithm with global convergence,Computer & Mathematics with Applications, 57(2009)240-247. 19.Zhensheng Yu, Qiang Li, A self adaptive trust region algorithm for the extended linear complementarity problem, Applications of Mathematics,54(2009) 53-62. 20.Zhensheng Yu, Weiguo Zhang and Ji Lin, A Trust Region Algorithm with Memory for Equality Constrained Optimization, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 29(2008) 717-734. 21.Zhensheng Yu, Dingguo Pu, A new nonmonotone line search technique for unconstrained optimization, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 219(2008) 134-144. 22.Zhensheng Yu, Solving bound constrained optimization via a new nonmonotone spectral projected gradient method, Applied Numerical 3 Mathematics,58(2008)1340-1348. 23.Zhensheng Yu, Weiguo Zhang and Baofeng Wu, Strong global convergence of an adaptive nonmonotone memory gradient algorithm for unconstrained optimization, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 185(2007) 681-688. 24.Zhensheng Yu, Solving Semidefinite Programming Problems Via Alternating Direction Methods, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 193(2006)437-445. |
主講課程 |
運籌學👩👦👦、數學規劃、線性代數、概率論與數理統計、解析幾何、工程數學 |
學術活動與社會服務 |
榮譽 |
1.2019年-2020年🧹👩🏻🦼,指導學生獲中國國際互聯網+大學生創新創業大賽全國銀獎3項🍩,上海市金獎3項,上海市鄉村振興獎2項,優秀指導教師 2.2018年👩🦯➡️,獲國家級教學成果二等獎 3.2017年🤙🏻,獲上海市級教學成果特等獎1項,1等獎2項 4.2015年-2017年🔴,獲全國高等學校創業教育先進個人 5.2017年,獲批國家級精品在線開放課程 6.2022年,獲上海市教學成果獎特等獎1項⏫,一等獎1項,二等獎1項🙁。 |